
Circ_0110805 抑制基因通过 miR-299-3p/ENDOPDI 轴增强顺铂(Cisplatin)敏感性并抑制胃癌的进展


Authors Yang X, Zhang Q, Guan B

Received 30 August 2020

Accepted for publication 22 October 2020

Published 6 November 2020 Volume 2020:13 Pages 11445—11457

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S279563

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr XuYu Yang

Background: Gastric cancer is a prevalent primary stomach tumor. Cisplatin is frequently used to treat gastric cancer. However, the resistance of cisplatin in gastric cancer often occurs, which brings a heavy burden to gastric cancer treatment.
Methods: In this study, we revealed a novel underlying mechanism about cisplatin-resistant effect in gastric cancer. A Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) cell viability assay and a xenograft model were performed to evaluate the function of circRNA in the cisplatin resistance of gastric cancer.
Results: Compared with control groups, we observed that circ_0110805 was highly expressed, the mRNA and protein expression levels of ENDOPDI were dramatically upregulated, and the expression of miR-299-3p was significantly downregulated in gastric cancer cells, cisplatin-resistant gastric cancer tissues or cells. Functionally, circ_0110805 knockdown improved cisplatin sensitivity, induced cell apoptosis, whereas repressed cell viability, migration and invasion in AGS/DDP and HGC-27/DDP cells, which was reversed by miR-299-3p inhibitor. Additionally, ENDOPDI overexpression hindered the effects of miR-299-3p on cisplatin sensitivity and gastric cancer progression. Circ_0110805 knockdown enhanced cisplatin sensitivity in vivo. Mechanistically, circ_0110805 acted as a sponge of miR-299-3p and its targeted ENDOPDI.
Conclusion: We showed that circ_0110805 knockdown increased the sensitivity of gastric cancer to cisplatin, which also repressed gastric cancer progression by sponging miR-299-3p to downregulate ENDOPDI expression. It might provide a new insight for future studying cisplatin-resistant gastric cancer.
Keywords: cisplatin, sensitivity, circ_0110805, miR-299-3p, ENDOPDI, gastric cancer