
Circ_0001806 通过 miR-1182/NOVA2 轴促进 NSCLC 细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭


Authors Yi S, Li Z, Wang X, Du T, Chu X

Received 2 November 2020

Accepted for publication 19 March 2021

Published 8 April 2021 Volume 2021:13 Pages 3067—3077

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S290059

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Eileen O'Reilly

Background: Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are non-coding RNAs with a covalently closed loop. circRNAs affect the progression of diverse cancers. Nonetheless, circ_0001806 expression and function in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are undefined.
Methods: qRT-PCR was executed to examine circ_0001806, miR-1182 and NOVA2 mRNA expression levels in NSCLC tissues and cells. CCK-8, EdU, cell scratch test and Transwell assay were conducted to examine the viability, multiplication, migration and invasion of NSCLC cell lines H1650 and HCC827. The binding sites between circ_0001806 and miR-1182, miR-1182 and NOVA2 mRNA were predicted by the circular RNA Interactome and TargetScan databases, and the dual-luciferase reporter gene experiment was employed for verification. Western blot was implemented to examine NOVA2 expression.
Results: Circ_0001806 expression in NSCLC tissues and cell lines was substantially augmented, while miR-1182 expression was markedly decreased. Circ_0001806 facilitated the multiplication, migration and invasion of H1650 and HCC827 cells, while miR-1182 exerted the opposite effect. Circ_0001806 indirectly enhanced NOVA2 expression by specifically down-modulating miR-1182.
Conclusion: Circ_0001806 augments NOVA2 expression by targeting miR-1182 to enhance the multiplication, migration and invasion of NSCLC cells.
Keywords: circ_0001806, miR-1182, NOVA2, NSCLC