


Authors Han X, Chen L, Wang Y, Li H, Wang H, Xing X, Zhang C, Suo L, Wang J, Yu G, Wang G, Yao X, Yu H, Wang L, Liu X, Cao B

Received 20 January 2021

Accepted for publication 26 April 2021

Published 18 May 2021 Volume 2021:14 Pages 1845—1853

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IDR.S302852

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Sahil Khanna

Purpose: The cost-effectiveness of different guideline-concordant antimicrobial regimens for elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) was rarely discussed. This study attempts to explore the most appropriate cost-effectiveness of guideline-concordant antimicrobial regimen for elderly patients with CAP in general wards.
Patients and Methods: This was a multicenter, retrospective, 4:2:1 matched study enrolling 511 elderly patients with CAP hospitalized in general wards. Two hundred ninety-two patients prescribed with β-lactam monotherapy (group A), 146 patients prescribed with fluoroquinolone monotherapy (group B) and 73 patients prescribed with β-lactam/macrolide combination therapy (group C). Clinical outcomes and medical costs were analyzed by χ 2 test for categorical variables or Kruskal–Wallis -test for continuous variables.
Results: There were no statistical differences in imaging features, etiology and complications during hospitalization among these three groups. The rates of clinical failure occurrence, in-hospital mortality, 30-day mortality and 60-day mortality also had no significant differences among group A, B and C patients; however, the median length of stay (LOS) in group A patients was 12.0 days, which was significantly higher than that in group B and C patients (both 10.0 days, p< 0.02). The median total, drug, and antibiotic costs for one elderly CAP episode in group B patients were RMB 10368.4, RMB 3874.8, and RMB 1796.3, respectively, which were significantly lower than those in group A and C patients (p< 0.01).
Conclusion: Non-inferiority of clinical failure occurrence and short-term mortality was observed in different guideline-concordant antimicrobial regimens for elderly patients with CAP in general wards; however, the median LOS and hospitalization-associated costs for one elderly CAP episode with fluoroquinolone monotherapy were significantly lowest, and this strategy was considered to be the most cost-effective strategy in general wards.
Keywords: community-acquired pneumonia, cost-effectiveness, antimicrobial regimen, elderly, general ward