


Authors Fang X, Jia S, Wang Q, Liu HF, Zhou Y, Zhang L, Dai T, Luo H, Peng H, Yuan J, Zhou H

Received 8 April 2021

Accepted for publication 31 May 2021

Published 12 July 2021 Volume 2021:14 Pages 3343—3353

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S314901

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Scott Fraser

Objective: This study investigated clinicians’ perspectives on the feasibility and effectiveness of using telemedicine in the context of providing first aid. It is crucial to identify and explore clinicians’ attitudes and awareness of tele-first-aid in China to keep pace with ongoing global trends.
Design: This was a qualitative study. Data gathered from in-depth interviews with 22 clinicians were coded into themes and analyzed.
Participants: Participants included hospital-based clinicians: four clinical specialists, eight emergency nurses, four emergency doctors, three general practitioners, and three clinical administrators.
Setting: The study was conducted in university-affiliated hospitals.
Results: All clinicians who were invited to participate believed that the use of telemedicine in first aid was promising and effective. Participants stated that relevant technology should be designed to synergize the chain of existing platforms in the industry and that it should be determined who has the authority to utilize such technology and how it should be used to achieve the sought-after benefits. The use of such technology refreshes the role of clinicians and their relationship with patients. Additionally, participants believed that the government could play an important role especially in the reform of medical systems.
Conclusion: Telemedicine can facilitate the provision of conventional first aid and systematically exploit existing resources due to its feasibility and effectiveness. The social benefits of using tele-first-aid in clinical and community applications, especially when used in coordination with existing resources, make its adoption an inevitable trend in the field.
Keywords: telemedicine, first aid, qualitative study, clinicians