
HBx 蛋白在肝脏以外疾病中的作用


Authors Ai L , Liu QQ , Li Y, Wang Y, Zhang HM

Received 18 January 2023

Accepted for publication 29 April 2023

Published 23 May 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 3225—3232

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IDR.S405316

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Professor Suresh Antony

Abstract: HBX gene is essential for HBV replication, evading the surveillance of the immune system by integrating its sequence into the human genome. It also exists stably in human cells by inhibiting the expression and activity of mismatch repair-related pathway genes. Previous reviews have comprehensively summarized the role of HBx in liver-related diseases. Our article complements the summary of research on HBx in diseases other than liver disease. Through a comprehensive literature search and reading, we found that HBx is expressed in the kidney, placenta, lung and other organs of HBV-infected patients, and is closely related to the occurrence and development of diseases such as nephritis, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and gastric cancer. However, in the clinical treatment of these diseases, HBV infection and the role of HBx have not attracted sufficient attention, and there is no corresponding treatment strategy. Therefore, more research on HBx in diseases other than the liver is particularly necessary, and we hope that our article can provide some insight into the treatment of related diseases.
Keywords: HBx protein, disease, treatment, molecular mechanism, explore