


Authors Yang N , Tao QY, Niu JY, Sun H, He Y, Hou YB, Luo H, Zhang Z, Yu JM 

Received 14 June 2023

Accepted for publication 7 August 2023

Published 11 August 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 2791—2801

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S422454

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Jinlei Li

Purpose: This study was conducted to explore whether incisional infiltration using a local anesthetic injection kit could better relieve postoperative pain and enhance the quality of recovery compared with ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block (RSB) or conventional local anesthetic infiltration in patients undergoing transumbilical single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC).
Patients and Methods: A total of 60 patients undergoing SILC with American Society of Anesthesiology functional status scores of I-II were randomized into the rectus sheath block group (RSB group), conventional local wound infiltration group (LAI-I group) and incisional infiltration using a local anesthetic injection kit group (LAI-II group). The primary outcomes were the patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA) demand frequency within 48 hours after the operation and postoperative pain measured by a visual analog scale (VAS) at 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 24 h, and 48 h after surgery. Secondary outcomes were the total procedure times, cumulative consumption of anesthetic drugs, duration of surgery, duration and awaking time of anesthesia, early recovery indicator and side effects.
Results: The PCIA demand frequency in LAI-II group was significantly lower compared with patients in the RSB and LAI-I group (both < 0.001). Moreover, the total procedure times in LAI-I and LAI-II group was significantly shorter than that in the RSB group (< 0.001, respectively), but it was comparable between LAI-I and LAI-II group (= 0.471). Though lower at 2h and 4h postoperative in LAI-II group, pain scores at each time point had no statistical differences among three groups. There were no significant differences among three groups for other outcomes as well.
Conclusion: The effect of ultrasound-guided RSB and conventional local anesthetic infiltration in SILC patients were found to be similar in terms of relieving postoperative pain and promoting recovery. Incisional infiltration using a local anesthetic injection kit can significantly reduce the demand frequency of PCIA, which serves as a rescue analgesic.
Keywords: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, rectus sheath block, local infiltration analgesia, recovery, pain