
比较 C-TIRADS 阳性特征对不同大小甲状腺结节的诊断效果


Authors Zhou Y , Li WM , Fan XF, Huang YL, Gao Q

Received 28 April 2023

Accepted for publication 25 July 2023

Published 14 August 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 3483—3490

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S416403

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Scott Fraser

Purpose: To explore the diagnostic value of positive features in the Chinese Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (C-TIRADS) for thyroid nodules of different sizes.
Patients and Methods: A total of 1864 patients with 2347 thyroid nodules were selected from January 2021 to December 2022 and assessed according to C-TIRADS. According to the maximum diameter, nodules were divided into the A1 group (≤ 10 mm), A2 group (> 10 mm,< 20 mm), and A3 group (≥ 20 mm). With surgical pathology as the golden standard, the receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) were constructed, and each group’s area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. The diagnostic value of positive features in C-TIRADS for different sizes of thyroid nodules was analyzed.
Results: In all groups, malignant thyroid nodules had a higher incidence of positive features than benign nodules (P < 0.05). In A1 group, the diagnostic efficiency of C-TIRADS positive features for thyroid nodules was vertical orientation> ill-defined/irregular margin or extrathyroidal extension> solid composition> markedly hypoechoic> microcalcifications. The AUCs were 0.718, 0.675, 0.609, 0.558, and 0.581, respectively. In A2 group, the diagnostic efficacy of each positive features for thyroid nodules was ill-defined/irregular margins or extra-thyroid invasion> solid composition> microcalcifications> markedly hypoechoic> vertical orientation. The AUCs were 0.854, 0.730, 0.719, 0.670, and 0.609, respectively. In A3 group, the diagnostic efficacy of each positive features for thyroid nodules was ill-defined/irregular margin or extrathyroidal extension> microcalcifications> solid composition> vertical orientation> markedly hypoechoic. The AUCs were 0.847, 0.778, 0.767, 0.584, and 0.560, respectively.
Conclusion: C-TIRADS positive features exhibited different diagnostic efficacy for thyroid nodules of various sizes, especially for thyroid nodules ≤ 10 mm, for which all positive features had low diagnostic efficacy.
Keywords: ultrasound, C-TIRADS, sizes, thyroid nodule