
脂肪细胞衍生的外泌体 NOX4 介导的氧化损伤诱导肥胖妊娠胎盘早衰


Authors Tao Y, Chen W, Xu H, Xu J, Yang H, Luo X, Chen M, He J, Bai Y, Qi H

Received 14 June 2023

Accepted for publication 11 August 2023

Published 17 August 2023 Volume 2023:18 Pages 4705—4726

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S419081

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Professor Lijie Grace Zhang

Background: A recent study has reported that maternal obesity is linked to placental oxidative damage and premature senescence. NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) is massively expressed in adipose tissue, and its induced reactive oxygen species have been found to contribute to cellular senescence. While, whether, in obese pregnancy, adipose tissue-derived NOX4 is the considerable cause of placental senescence remained elusive.
Methods: This study collected term placentas from obese and normal pregnancies and obese pregnant mouse model was constructed by a high fat diet to explore placental senescence. Furthermore, adipocyte-derived exosomes were isolated from primary adipocyte medium of obese and normal pregnancies to examine their effect on placenta functions in vivo and vitro.
Results: The placenta from the obese group showed a significant increase in placental oxidative damage and senescence. Exosomes from obese adipocytes contained copies of NOX4, and when cocultured with HTR8/SVneo cells, they induced severe oxidative damage, cellular senescence, and suppressed proliferation and invasion functions when compared with the control group. In vivo, adipocyte-derived NOX4-containing exosomes could induce placental oxidative damage and senescence, ultimately leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Conclusion: In obesity, adipose tissue can secrete exosomes containing NOX4 which can be delivered to trophoblast resulting in severe DNA oxidative damage and premature placental senescence, ultimately leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Keywords: maternal obesity, placental premature senescence, adipose tissue, exosome, NADPH oxidase 4, oxidative damage