
术前未成熟中性粒细胞可预测胸主动脉腔内修复术后无并发症的 B 型主动脉夹层患者的临床结果


Authors Abu Bokha A, Li CH, Song MY, Wei X, Li R

Received 12 April 2023

Accepted for publication 4 July 2023

Published 21 August 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 3637—3644

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S414567

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 4

Editor who approved publication: Dr Scott Fraser

Purpose: Inflammation is a hallmark of the initial development and progression of aortic dissection. This study aimed to investigate the predictive value of preoperative neutrophils in aorta-related adverse events (AAEs) after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for type B aortic dissection (TBAD).
Patients and Methods: A total of 80 patients with TBAD undergoing TEVAR were enrolled in our hospital. Preoperative inflammatory markers, including white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), were measured. Circulating neutrophil subpopulation was determined by flow cytometry. Kaplan–Meier curve was performed to determine whether neutrophil subsets independently predicted aorta-related adverse events (AAEs) after TEVAR.
Results: Compared with control group, the prevalence of hypertension and the levels of inflammatory indicators including WBCs, total neutrophils, NLR, immature neutrophils and hs-CRP were significantly higher in TBAD patients. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve showed that NLR, absolute number of total neutrophils and percent CD10 immature neutrophils had excellent area under curves. During the 18-month follow-up, 16 (20.0%) were reported to occur AAEs, while 4 deaths (5.0%) were documented. Percent immature neutrophil was markedly higher in TBAD patients experiencing AAEs as compared with those without AAEs. Kaplan–Meier curve and Cox regression analysis demonstrated that percent immature neutrophil was the only predictor correlated with the occurrence of AAEs (hazard ratio 7.66, 95% CI: 2.91, 20.17, P = 0.018).
Conclusion: Increased CD10 immature neutrophils could act as a potential biomarker related to long-term adverse outcomes in TBAD patients following TEVAR.
Keywords: type B aortic dissection, thoracic endovascular aortic repair, aorta-related adverse events, neutrophil subsets