


Authors Luo X, Yu T, Yang Z, Wang D

Received 7 July 2023

Accepted for publication 25 August 2023

Published 1 September 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 3519—3530

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S426363

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Igor Elman

Background: Individuals who experience psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are at significant risk of suicide-related behaviors. This two-wave longitudinal study aimed to investigate the relationships among PLEs, insomnia symptoms, resilience, and suicidal ideation (SI) among adolescents.
Methods: A total of 2231 college students [mean age (standard deviation) = 20.02 (1.39) years] completed two web-based surveys. Participants completed self-report measures of sample characteristics, PLEs, insomnia symptoms, resilience, and SI.
Results: The findings indicated a significantly positive correlation between PLEs and SI that was sequentially mediated by insomnia symptoms and resilience. Furthermore, insomnia symptoms and resilience played a chain-mediating role between PLEs and adolescent SI.
Conclusion: These findings suggest potential mechanism for the PLEs-SI link, which helps us better understand how PLEs can influence individual SI and provides important information for early prevention.
Keywords: psychotic-like experiences, insomnia symptoms, resilience, suicidal ideation, adolescents