
通过具有增强抗癌免疫力的仿生癌细胞膜包被纳米颗粒进行靶向 siRNA 递送


Authors Li J , Zhang J, Gao Y, Lei S , Wu J, Chen X , Wang K, Duan X, Men K 

Received 5 July 2023

Accepted for publication 7 October 2023

Published 24 October 2023 Volume 2023:18 Pages 5961—5982

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S429036

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 4

Editor who approved publication: Dr Yan Shen

Introduction: Cell-membrane nanocarriers are usually constructed by modifying the nanoparticle surface with cell membrane extracts, which has a direct benefit in endowing targeting capacity to nanocarriers based on their original cell types. However, delivering nucleic acid cargos by cell membrane–based nanoparticles is difficult owing to the strong negative charge of the cell membrane fraction. In this study, we developed a cancer cell membrane–based drug delivery system, the cMDS, for efficient siRNA delivery. Meanwhile, the cancer-specific immune response stimulated by the gene vector itself could offer synergistic anti-cancer ability.
Methods: The cMDS was prepared by ultrasound, and its transfection efficiency and anti-cancer ability were examined using cultures of CT26 cells. MTT and red blood cell hemolysis tests were performed to assess the safety of cMDS, while its targeted gene delivery and strong immune stimulation were investigated in a subcutaneous tumor model. Moreover, the detailed anti-cancer immune stimulation mechanisms of cMDS are uncovered by protein chip analysis.
Results: The cMDS was spherical core-shell structure. It showed high transfection efficiency and anti-cancer ability in vitro. In animal experiments, intravenously administered cMDS/siStat3 complex efficiently suppress the growth of colon cancer. Moreover, the result of protein chip analysis suggested that cMDS affect the migration and chemotaxis of immune cells.
Conclusion: The cMDS shows obvious tumor tissue-specific accumulation properties and strong immune stimulation ability. It is an advanced targeted gene delivery system with potent immunotherapeutic properties.
Keywords: bioinspired material, cancer cell membrane, targeted siRNA delivery, immunotherapeutic, colon cancer