
Circ-SFMBT2 通过海绵 miR-182-5p 促进胃癌细胞增殖并增强 CREB1 表达


Authors Sun H, Xi P, Sun Z, Wang Q, Zhu B, Zhou J, Jin H, Zheng W, Tang W, Cao H, Cao X

Received 28 April 2018

Accepted for publication 1 September 2018

Published 16 November 2018 Volume 2018:10 Pages 5725—5734

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S172592

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Andrew Yee

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Professor Nakshatri

Background: Circular RNAs(circRNAs) have been reported as a diverse class of endogenous RNA that regulate gene expression in eukaryotes. Recent evidence suggested that many circular RNAs can act as oncogenes or tumor suppressors through sponging microRNAs. However, the function of circular RNAs in gastric cancer remains largely unknown.
Materials and methods: The circRNA levels in gastric carcinoma tissues and plasmas were detected by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The correlation between the expression of circRNA and clinic pathological features was analyzed. Rate of inhibiting of proliferation was measured using a CCK-8 cell proliferation assay. Clone formation ability was assessed with a clone formation inhibition test. We used the bioinformatics software to predict circRNA-miRNA and miRNA-mRNA interactions. Relative gene expression was assessed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and relative protein expression levels were determined with western blotting. CircRNA and miRNA interaction was confrmed by dual-luciferase reporter assays.
Results: We characterized that one circRNA named circ-SFMBT2 showed an increased expression level in gastric cancer tissues compared to adjacent non-cancerous tissues and was associated with higher tumor stages of gastric cancer. Silencing of circ-SFMBT2 inhibited the proliferation of gastric cancer cells significantly. Importantly, we demonstrated that circ-SFMBT2 could act as a sponge of miR-182-5p to regulate the expression of CREB1 mRNA, named as cAMP response element binding protein 1, and further promote the proliferation of gastric cancer cells.
Conclusion: Our study reveals that circ-SFMBT2 participates in progression of gastric cancer by competitively sharing miR-182-5p with CREB1, providing a novel target to improve the treatment of gastric cancer. mutation-analysis-of-beta-thalassemia-in-east-western-indian-populatio-peer-reviewed-article-TACG for an example.
Keywords: tissues, plasmas, target, progression, AGO2, sponge

Figure 1 The biological structure of circ-SFMBT2. (A) Schematic diagram shows that...