
Measurement of the Quality of Life of Prolanis Hypertension Patients in Sixteen Primary Healthcare Centers in Pandeglang District, Banten Province, Indonesia, Using EQ-5D-5L Instrument


Authors Yusransyah, Halimah E, Suwantika AA

Received 10 February 2020

Accepted for publication 12 June 2020

Published 6 July 2020 Volume 2020:14 Pages 1103—1109

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S249085

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Johnny Chen

Introduction: The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is increasing, not least in some peripheral areas, including in Pandeglang District, Banten Province. The government of Indonesia, through the Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS Kesehatan) has launched a chronic disease management program (Prolanis) to achieve more optimal results in treating patients with chronic diseases, including hypertension.
Objective: This study aimed to measure the quality of life of Prolanis hypertension patients at the primary healthcare centers (PHCs) using EuroQol-5 Dimensions-5 Levels (EQ-5D-5L) instrument and taking pharmacists’ counseling intervention into account. This study was conducted in 96 Prolanis patients, consisting of 48 patients from 8 PHCs who did not receive pharmacists’ counseling intervention (control group) and 48 other patients from 8 different PHCs who received 4 times intervention (intervention group). This study was conducted in a period of 3 months (June–August 2019) in 16 sub-districts of Pandeglang District.
Methods: An experimental study design was applied by considering a purposive sampling method. Patients’ quality of life were measured by using EQ-5D-5L instrument and its Indonesian value set. For data analysis, we applied the Kruskal–Wallis, Mann–Whitney, Wilcoxon, and Binomial tests to investigate the differences of patients’ quality of life in both groups of control and intervention.
Results and Conclusions: The results showed that the average utility value of the intervention group experienced an improvement at each meeting (m1 = 51.25%; m2 = 66.25%; m3 = 84.17%; and m4 = 91.67%), while the control group experienced a lower and more fluctuative improvement than the intervention group (m1 = 65.42%; m2 = 70.42%; m3 = 80.42%; and m4 = 76.67%). The same results also occurred in the average value of visual analogue scale (VAS). There was a better improvement in the intervention group than in the control group.
Clinical Trial Registration Number: 62/UN6.KEP/EC/2019.
Keywords: quality of life, Prolanis, hypertension, primary healthcare center, BPJS Kesehatan, EQ-5D-5L