
Nanostructured Cellulose–Gellan–Xyloglucan–Lysozyme Dressing Seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Deep Second-Degree Burn Treatment


Authors Costa de Oliveira Souza CM, de Souza CF, Mogharbel BF, Irioda AC, Cavichiolo Franco CR, Sierakowski MR, Athayde Teixeira de Carvalho K

Received 5 November 2020

Accepted for publication 6 January 2021

Published 5 February 2021 Volume 2021:16 Pages 833—850

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S289868

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Webster

Purpose: In deep burns, wound contraction and hypertrophic scar formation can generate functional derangement and debilitation of the affected part. In order to improve the quality of healing in deep second-degree burns, we developed a new treatment in a preclinical model using nanostructured membranes seeded with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).
Methods: Membranes were obtained by reconstitution of bacterial cellulose (reconstituted membrane [RM]) and produced by a dry-cast process, then RM was incorporated with 10% tamarind xyloglucan plus gellan gum 1:1 and 10% lysozyme (RMGT–LZ) and with 10% gellan gum and 10% lysozyme (RMG–LZ). Membrane hydrophobic/hydrophilic characteristics were investigated by static/dynamic contact-angle measurements. They were cultivated with MSCs, and cell adhesion, proliferation, and migration capacity was analyzed with MTT assays. Morphological and topographic characteristics were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. MSC patterns in flow cytometry and differentiation into adipocytes and osteocytes were checked. In vivo assays used RMG–LZ and RMGT–LZ (with and without MSCs) in Rattus norvegicus rats submitted to burn protocol, and histological sections and collagen deposits were analyzed and immunocytochemistry assay performed.
Results: In vitro results demonstrated carboxyl and amine groups made the membranes moderately hydrophobic and xyloglucan inclusion decreased wettability, favoring MSC adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. In vivo, we obtained 40% and 60% reduction in acute/chronic inflammatory infiltrates, 96% decrease in injury area, increased vascular proliferation and collagen deposition, and complete epithelialization after 30 days. MSCs were detected in burned tissue, confirming they had homed and proliferated in vivo.
Conclusion: Nanostructured cellulose–gellan–xyloglucan–lysozyme dressings, especially when seeded with MSCs, improved deep second-degree burn regeneration.
Keywords: skin, cell-based therapy, transplantation, hydrocolloid dressing